
Full SegWit Support

SegWit which is short for “Segregated Witness” was an August 2017 upgrade to the Bitcoin protocol which came with new address types.

Full SegWit Support means that the wallet can both send to and receive to all SegWit address types, including bech32 starting with “bc1…”.

  • Receiving to SegWit addresses provides fee savings, as sending these funds is possible using less base-block space. In Bitcoin, transaction fees are proportional to the transaction size in bytes.
  • Receiving to bech32 addresses provides more fee savings than P2SH Segwit addresses.
  • Sending to SegWit addresses is sometimes required in order to use more modern tools that dropped support for legacy addresses, often because of another core property of SegWit transactions: They are not malleable, meaning that the transaction ID cannot be changed “in transit” (on unconfirmed transactions).

Full Taproot Support

Taproot is an improvement of how Bitcoin transactions work and was activated on 2021-11-12. It uses a new address format, defined in BIP 350.

While some wallets will be able to send to but not receive to Taproot, this feature only tracks those that support both.

  • Compatibility: Recipients have to choose an address format and due to efficiency improvements, they will tend more and more to expect being paid to a Taproot address. Wallets supporting this are generally more compatible.
  • Cheaper: Taproot allows for smaller transactions, especially for more complex uses of Bitcoin such as multi signature.

  • More private: As public data of a complicated transaction is usually indistinguishable from that of a simple transactions, special uses “hide in a bigger crowd” and become more private.

  • More efficient for offline wallets: Hardware wallets ususally have only a very limited knowledge of the funds being spent, with the user confirming amounts sent but only implicitly the fee being paid. When spending from Taproot, the fee becomes knowable to the offline wallet, making protection against fee overpayment easier.

Initially the privacy will be worse, as using Taproot will make transactions stand out from the crowd.

Lightning Network support

The lightning Network (LN) is a layer two protocol that promises instant, low fee micro payments. Some wallets do not support receiving transactions which disqualifies them for this feature.

Transactions on LN are

  • instant: It usually takes less than five seconds to finish a transaction.
  • cheap: Transactions usually cost a tiny percentage (0.1%) of the transferred amount and might also be free.
  • micro payments: The unit of account on the LN is micro Satoshis (mSat) or 0.00000000001 BTC.

LN is still in early development and several very feasible attacks are known that can cost users money or disrupt the network.

SPV using bloom filters

Simple Payment Verification (SPV) means the app connects to regular Bitcoin full nodes but it does not download the full blockchain. Only the transactions relevant to the own wallets.

The client doesn’t need to download all the block chain.

Privacy: The client leaks all the user’s addresses to the node.

SPV using compact block filters

Compact block filters as in BIP158 are relatively tiny, probabilistic representation of the full blockchain which tell the client which block contains transactions relevant to specific addresses

Compared to SPV using bloom filters:

  • Private: Avoid the leak of the client’s addresses to the full nodes it talks to. If the blocks are downloaded through TOR with new TOR identities for each request from different nodes, the privacy of this mode is almost as good as running a full node. An attacker would have to control a big part of the TOR network to still learn about which addresses are of interes.
  • Fast: No re-scan of the full chain needed when importing a wallet. Compared to using an indexing server of the provider, it leaks no data to the provider

Compared to using an indexing server it is slower and more bandwidth is needed.

API server provided

The provider runs indexing servers that provide quick access to the state of the blockchain.

  • Speed: Quick access to blockchain data. This wallet probably supports cold wallet spending or importing accounts

  • Speed: Low bandwidth requirements. The servers can deliver data tailored to the client’s needs without overhead.

  • Speed: Low CPU and storage requirements. As the server does the heavy-lifting, the client doesn’t have to.

  • Privacy: Random full nodes cannot spy on the user.

  • Privacy: The provider can spy on the user and usually knows all the transactions and holdings per wallet.

TOR - The Onion Router

TOR is a tool to shield the IP address of communicating parties. When communicating with a node on the TOR network, the communication is also necessarily end to end encrypted but not when communicating to a server on the internet that does neither use TOR nor ssl (https). Modern Androids allow to put apps behind a local TOR node independently of the provider offering TOR features. While this can be desirable to shield one’s IP address, it also might expose unencrypted data to different, probably more aware third parties. It also does not replace more advanced TOR features in which the wallet creates multiple TOR identities for different requests.

  • Privacy: TOR shields the client’s IP address and thus his real world location or identity from servers it talks to.
  • Speed: TOR means bouncing messages around a bit more with extra encryption. That makes it slower.

Lightning Watch Towers

Non-custodial Lightning Network wallets that can receive payments have to be on guard about all transactions happening on the Bitcoin blockchain to avoid financial loss. With Watch Towers, this can be outsourced in a very private and efficient way.

  • Security: The wallet can remain offline for extended periods without danger of losing funds.

Connect To Own Lightning Node

The LN is very demanding on the wallet, especially for mobile devices, making custodial LN wallets somewhat acceptable. To have a light-weight client without having to trust a centralized provider, one can run ones own Lightning Node and remote-control it with this app.

Always online lightning node with the convenience of a mobile app.

Hierarchically Deterministic

All accounts and keys are derived from one masterseed as defined in BIP 32, BIP 39, BIP 44, BIP 49, BIP 84 and BIP 86. While some wallets might use different definitions and not all support SegWit or Taproot, we only consider this feature as given if

  • no address reuse
  • simple backup
  • no vendor lock-in

Unlimited Accounts

The user can create or restore secondary BTC accounts

  • Accounting: Multiple accounts allow for easier separation of funds.
  • Privacy: Using an account with a positive balance at all time makes it relatively easy for blockchain analysis companies to determine the full history of the wallet. By using multiple accounts, emptying them at times, the user can retain some privacy.

Replace By Fee (RBF)

This wallet can create transactions that can be replaced until it is confirmed by the network. Transactions marked as RBF signal the network that they might be replaced but with a higher fee per byte.

  • Cheaper: Transactions can be sent with very low fee and if later a soon confirmation is desired, the fee can be increased which allows the user to use lower fees with more confidence and thus results in fee savings.
  • Cheaper: RBF in combination with batching allows the wallet to batch transactions transparent to the user, making the individual payment cheaper in transaction fees.
  • Services will normally not accept a payment with RBF until it has a confirmation on the blockchain. Wallets that support RBF therefore always allow to send transactions without RBF, too but the user might not notice this detail while waiting for the recipient to confirm the payment. If this happens, a finalizing replacement transaction can be sent.
  • RBF sparked some controversy among users portraing RBF transactions as double-spend attempts.
  • Some wallets that are not aware of the mechanism still might get confused and stick to the first transaction seen, ignoring the later replacement transaction for longer than necessary.

Transaction Batching

Batching allows to aggregate multiple payments into one Bitcoin transaction.

In Bitcoin, transactions always empty the output of received, prior transactions, so called “unspent transaction outputs” or UTXOs. Without batching, sending to five recipients requires the creation of five transactions with their change outputs - if you don’t have the exact amount you want to send to the recipient, you send “change” to yourself. This change UTXO gets then immediately spent in the next transaction and so on, building a chain of transactions.

  • Batching avoids creating intermediate outputs, making the transaction smaller and thus cheaper in terms of mining fees.
  • Batching avoids building chains of transactions. If one were to pay more than ten recipients, the network would probably not broadcast the later transactions as only short chains of unconfirmed transactions are being handled by full nodes. Batching fixes that.

Multi Signature

Bitcoin allows to define addresses controlled by more than one private key. Two-of-three for example would mean that any two of a list of three private keys would be required to send coins from this address.

With keys from distinct devices or users, an attacker would have to compromise multiple devices or users at once. Multi signature thus allows to protect against one device catching a virus, one wallet having a backdoor (if the multi signature works across different providers’ wallets), one hardware wallet not being trusted (if hardware wallets can be used for multi signature), etc.

  • There are no good standards yet for multi signature accounts. This might mean that an account that works with one provider’s wallet won’t load in any other wallet which can complicate recovery should that wallet go out of business.
  • Using Multi Signature results in bigger and thus more expensive transactions.
  • Using Multi Signature accounts makes it easier for blockchain analysis companies to follow the trail of a wallet.
  • Multi Signature accounts require backups of additional descriptors, making financial loss from user error more likely.

Trade from and to other crypto currencies

Exchange one crypto currency for another. You “receive Xcoin to your Ycoin account” while in the background the wallet sends your Ycoin address to a service provider which gives it an Xcoin address which it then displays. Funds sent to that Xcoin address - to that service provider - are then sold for Ycoin and the returns are sent to the wallet’s Ycoin address.

Easily accept receiving more coins without actually holding them.

  • Sometimes the service is less favorable in its fees when used through a wallet integration than when using the service’s website.
  • Some of those services require registration which links your transactions to your ID.
  • The exchange provider might not deliver, making it complicated to prove what happened, who to talk to and how to ultimately recover funds.

Buy with Credit Card

Buy coins with your credit card from within the product.

Ease of use.

Buying with Credit Card usually comes with huge fees and the same exchange provider often offers a better rate when not using via a wallet integration.

Mix coins

Transactions on the Bitcoin network are public and companies like Chainalysis get a very good picture of a users’ past and future spendings, knowing just one transaction, following that public data. Coin mixing breaks heuristics those companies use and thus gives the user and those he shares transactions with privacy. On a more fundamental level, transactional privacy is required for fungibility - the concept of all Bitcoins being equal. If transactions can be tracked and attributed to certain activity - gambling, prostitution, donations to dissidents, … - users could discriminate against certain sources of payments. Sadly there are already big exchanges that discriminate precisely against mixed coins.

  • privacy for you
  • fungibility for all

Some services flag mixing itself as suspicious.

Air Gapped: App works without internet

Some apps mimic hardware wallets in that they don’t request permission to connect to the internet but instead they communicate through a companion app which has internet. That companion app might be on the same phone but with internet permission or it might be on a secondary phone such that the Air Gapped app can run on a phone that has no mobile or wifi internet configured at all.

Security: Splitting an app into a part that keeps the keys safe without access to leak them online and an app that has internet and all the rest can reduce the attack surface for the private keys. In theory this setup can be much more secure than the usual app that has both the private keys and internet access in one.

Liquid Network Integration

The Liquid Network is a Bitcoin sidechain designed to enable faster and more private transactions, launched by Blockstream in 2018. It allows for the issuance of digital assets, including security tokens and stablecoins. Wallet integration with Liquid means users can send and receive Bitcoin and other assets issued on the Liquid Network. This feature assesses wallets that support both sending to and receiving from Liquid addresses. Learn more about Liquid.

  • Faster Transactions: Liquid provides faster and cheaper transactions compared to Bitcoin’s main chain, improving the user experience for certain use cases like transfer between exchanges that support Liquid.

  • Enhanced Privacy: Through Confidential Transactions, Liquid hides the amounts and types of assets being transferred, offering greater privacy for its users.

  • Asset Issuance: Users can issue and manage digital assets on the Liquid Network.

  • Bitcoin Custody: The Liquid Network is operated by a federation of members. “Liquid Bitcoins” are Liquid tokens representing actual Bitcoins in the custody of this federation. If the required quorum of the federation decides to use the bitcoins under their custody, they can. Therefore the user has to trust this federation.
  • Limited Adoption: As a specialized network, Liquid’s benefits are most pronounced in specific scenarios, and the ecosystem is smaller than Bitcoin’s main network, potentially limiting its utility for some users.

  • Fallback custody: Bitcoins held by the Liquid federation need to be rotated on a regular schedule. If the federation fails to do so, they can also be spent by Blockstream alone.